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The best of nature
Our hypoallergenic mulberry silk is a natural wonder fibre. In winter it keeps you nice and warm, while in summer it is pleasantly cool on the skin.
more beautiful skin
The filigree fibers of mulberry silk contain proteins that improve the complexion overnight, reduce wrinkles and give your face a fresh, healthy look.
deeper sleep
The pleasant feeling of silk on your skin automatically ensures deeper sleep and thus prevents stress and tension.
Silky soft hair
The smooth nature of silk means that there is minimal friction with your hair, so it soon starts to feel like silk itself, especially if you have curly or frizzy hair.
Does a silk sleep mask help against wrinkles?
The filigree fibers of mulberry silk contain proteins that improve the complexion overnight, reduce wrinkles and give your face a fresh, healthy look.
Can I wash silk products?
Yes of course! However, silk is a delicate fabric that should be cleaned with particular care. Learn more about this in our care area.
What are the benefits of silk?
Our hypoallergenic mulberry silk is a natural wonder fibre. In winter it keeps you nice and warm, while in summer it is pleasantly cool on the skin. The filigree fibers of mulberry silk contain proteins that improve the complexion overnight, reduce wrinkles and give your face a fresh, healthy look.